Economic zone
Work-economic and commercial zone is located on a location of existing zone of the former steel mill, with the extension on the area southeast of the border road (International border crossing Razvor) and south of the existing football field at Razvor bb.
The main purpose is the economic one – for the development of small business and private entrepreneurship, with the focus on creating new openings, development of the municipality and the entire region.
The total area of the work-economic and commercial zone, by a geodesic study parcelling, is 61,319 m2. The area of the five planned entrepreneurial plots is 14,380 m2, and all remaining space includes transport, handling and green areas.

Development program of the business zone at this stage concerns to a regulation of traffic areas and other municipal infrastructures, and future construction phase will concern on the joint handling areas and landscaping. Also, the program at this stage does not apply to the construction of buildings, within the plots.
The entire program refers to the arrangement of 46,939 m2 zone area. Permitted plot development is 20%, so the total area of future outbuildings will exceed 2,876 m2.
Plots (maximum object surface areas):
1. 55m X 38m = 2 090 m2 418 m2
2. 75m X 38m = 2 850 m2 570 m2
3. 40m X 80m = 3 200 m2 640 m2
4. 40m X 80m = 3 200 m2 640 m2
5. 38m X 80m = 3 040 m2 608 m2
TOTAL > 14.380 m2 2.876 m2
Kumrovec municipality shall ensure space requirements and determine other conditions for the functionality of the Zone. Zone management and implementation of the Zone’s Development programme at this stage of construction is carried out by Single administrative department of the Municipality, with the enactment of proper decisions on encourage investment meaasures, in the Municipal council.